Design A Dictionary!

When i first saw the brief i thought aaaaah crap. didn't sound too fun, but after a tutorial with jim, i remembered how vague it really is, it can mean anything you want really! i always forget that, i think, oh no i have to make a dictionary! but actually what is a dictionary?! its just a documentation of words in some form, so off i went!
Jim asked me 'what do u enjoy doing?!' Those are the kind of questions i really hate. I panicked, it makes me feel like such an imposter. Surely if i was a proper art student id be able to answer that question with such vigor and passion. I know what i enjoy, but i never use that in my work cos its always a bit crap. I really enjoying just sitting and drawing in my sketch-book. though i hardly ever do it anymore because its not serious. Maybe if i was doing an illustartion course i could get away with it more often. I also have a real passion for typography. Not necessarily creating it, just looking at it. it always makes me a bit happier. then a bit sadder, cos i think, damn why cant i do that!

Anyway, my starting plan with jim was to write down 40 words, and simply connect them using lines and drawing. So i did. I took me a whole week to cover an A0 sheet! Im such a slow worker, and i got seriously bored. A lot. So here is the way i did it.
The photos arent that great cos of a really badly lit hallway and the fact it was in pencil.

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