The next stage...

I spent a huge amount of time on one drawing, then traced it in pen onto another piece. The second piece was my final poster. But, i wasnt sure what to do with the first one?! it took me soooo long the thought of throwing it away made me want to scream. SO! I have started making a book with it.
I spent a while yesterday hand printing 'O's onto the blank pages, using a cardboard stencil i cut out. ouch! it was a serious mission, i get nervous doing things like this as there really is very little margin for error.
So after that had all dried i sewed the book together. the green thread really adds something, as im plaaning on leaving the binding exposed. In my head so far, it has a board cover, with another printed 'O' and hand drawn lettering of the rest of the word 'organic,' as this is the theme for my whole project. I only stabbed myself a few times, so it went quite well! Here are photos of my stamping/sewing process.

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